Aggregate Testing
1-Determination of Flakiness and ElongationAggregates which are flaky and/or elongated will often
lower the workability of a concrete mix and may also
affect long term durability. In bituminous mixtures flaky
aggregate makes for a harsh mix and may also crack and
break up during compaction by rolling.
Elongation Index BS 812
Length Gauge
Manufactured to the dimensions specified in BS 812.
Weight 700 g
Determination of the Shape Index
3:1 Shape Index Calliper.Weight 1 kg
Vernier Calliper see Laboratory Equipment Section
3:1 Shape Index Calliper
2-Density, Voids and Bulking
Particle Density (specific gravity) and Water Absorption
Method for aggregate between 63 mm and 5 mm
Buoyancy Balance with Accessory
For more technical specification and quotation, please contact us