CANIN Corrosion Analysing Instrument
The Canin+ corrosion analyzing instrument provides two methods for investigating and assessing the corrosion of steel in concrete:
-Half-cell corrosion potential method - accurate field potential measurements aid in detecting active corrosion in rebars.
-Concrete resistivity method - the instrument measures the specific electrical resistivity of concrete.
-This combination of potential and resistivity measurement improves the information about the corrosion condition of the rebars.
-In order to satisfy individual testing needs, the Canin+ is available individually with a rod electrode, wheel electrode and/or Wenner probe configurations or as a complete system with all components.
-Immediate presentation of test area and reading directly on the instrument’s display
-Up to 240 measurement values are displayed at a time in easy-to read grey-scale and a menu-driven approach facilitates simple operation using just nine functions keys
-Total memory for 235’000 readings which can be stored
-The Canin ProVista Software allows downloading, presenting and editing data measured by the Canin+ half-cell instrument
-New features such as a backlight display and faster processing of data extend the functionality of the Canin+
-Canin+ is ideally suited for assessment of corrosion potentials on areas of all sizes (see "Product Variations" below for details). This is made possible by the selectable grid size. The wheel electrode in particular makes it easy to rapidly cover larger areas
-The measuring principle and the factors that need to be considered by the engineer assessing the corrosion probability are described in the document “Measuring principle of Canin - Fundamentals for an optimum interpretation” which can be found in the downloads section
-The Canin ProVista Software also provides an invaluable aid in the assessment of the corrosion probability of a structure. An example of the application of this software can be found in the download section